第114章 积蓄力量
作者:潜水长      更新:2020-07-27 22:13      字数:6568
  those soldiers fought with him, save the plebeian inhabitants died in here by his guardian, to one thousand in this life is worth it.
  key is even though they don't have to the body return to life, but can use the hand county to gold hand down to the flesh, then from the golden hand into the land of the living, if this is the purpose of the master of the hands of the king county?
  dead in the one thousand years of life, it has to get the same environment, and alive when possibly like green in the valley of golden hand to find a like demon flesh from golden hand house back to the world, this is amazing!
  from today's scale, it is already in the pilot phase, if like to analysis, that is not his ultimate goal, if his people from the beginning of the golden hand county, to the valley gold hand sought to the flesh to expand the soul dead air stone mining scale, make the dream land of the living and his energy supply base, finally open, the world outside the dream...
  so the xu shao was a small gas management soul stone quarries leader (though he and vigorously have intersection, and good empress and involvement) but true chess is the master of the golden hand county.
  so then what is strong and his relations?
  just to find yourself in this tree of life, how to train to so the mixed water......
  anyway, when south living buddha agreed in my this life to sit under the tree, the oneself is to fulfill the agreement, then himself and vigorously is a camp, that his uncle here in this camp that i was going to help them to keep going, can also help to vigorously in the future.
  look at sleep fast two black, his body is changed to read air is too thin, he has been very want to know about the strong soul gas source, the little seven is not on his soul air space?
  don't know can vigorously as a gold in such a place, and from his energy structure point of view, he will not do these for energy at the expense of the life of the living things.
  if according to his principle of energy production, if can support a space, and the old lady and his uncle perhaps could really have and gold hands against the strength of the county and fortunes empress.
  it's a pity that he isn't here right now, back to the living place and have to enter a dormant state, only in his heel he discuss the back side.
  suddenly, outside a village over a noise, followed by numerous shadow, the shadow in the night like stealth big bird, but the red eyes and wings stirs up the airflow can clear feel, villagers are still hasn't come in his sleep, and then walled beginning like something broken voice from outside.
  they came back, and to set!
  just still sleeping two black unexpectedly jumped up, he turned on the straw, sneezed seems not bad, he looked at the gate of vigilance, just want to squat jump up and see, i was staring at the moment he is busy shaking his tail boom boom came running, crouched down let me on his back.
  at this juncture, called the gate with a raging fire, the flames lit up the night sky up, stockade door and wooden fence began to rapidly of burn it, the air filled with hot air and the smell of anxious burnt.
  at the same time on the ground a wings on foot there are more than five meters long giant birds are double claw past we just stay in place, the bird is so big!
  two black seeing the huge bird's backbone, plummeted from high up in the air, stomp your feet in its back, step on it fell on the ground, this two black good bravery, in the face of such a large size of giant birds have no fear, the giant bird he step falls to the ground after wings keep had wanted him fall down.
  two black gripping the giant bird feathers on the neck, lift like two big hammer fist, were to hit in the roc fragile neck, i clearly hear the sound of the bones broken, the giant bird it is on the ground, a sound though wings still twitching, seeing is not live.
  over the coming two shrill cries, there is no hesitation, two black jumped into the stables, i hold the reins of his neck felt somewhat a note will not be cast to the earth, his speed and reaction time.
  , of course, also dare not slow the upper points or the giant birds paws can tear two black head directly, he went into the stable where he was just sleeping, grabbed a huge axe from the haystack, it is before he fight in and robbers looted the weapon.
  was he killed the giant bird hovering over the other two big birds, their red eyes staring at the stable in the us.
  the villagers to see over the giant birds, was originally called jane feather eagle.
  the two jane feather eagle king 2 black took the axe, like know much, fiercely flapped their wings to fly high, a loud roar this two black, that sounds incredibly feel roaring dragons and tigers, his axe in the light of the bright bright light, his head of curly hair float in the sky, the muscles of the arms like metal, he held high the axe, when jane feather eagle haven't accelerate the speed, the axe cut down a feather jane eagle head, more potential remain incredibly hand-to-body grip in the air to turn over a fall, those columns the same thigh firmly on the other a jane feather eagle's neck.
  the air like a loose blood rain, we two body were cut turn around that jane feather eagle gush of blood.
  in addition a jane feather eagle kicked out of two black broken neck, also rotating drops in the air, the results both eagle fell in the homes of the villagers, in one fell swoop the roof collapse, half body into the house, then the house came the women and children's cries.