第117章 孪生
作者:潜水长      更新:2020-07-27 22:13      字数:6368
  those flying insects are called mo worm, you two are tied him up, i immediately toward the two man says that another man jumped out, good big miss his belt off three pour two put the cow helmet together, then a kick on his leg bending wave and shut off his hat, pulled out a dagger very is worth around his neck.
  hat a off where i found this guy is different, but don't see what the problem is.
  everything about two black on the ground was crawling black flies, mo worm water doesn't work, his neck a circle some mo worm has got into his flesh, only head still stay outside the watch is in his body oviposit!
  i rushed up and cast him into the bucket up beside, there is also a little water, i opened the lid to spill and a poof a puff of white smoke, the white smoke just a risk, two black mo worm a commotion, hula began to fly, and some don't want to leave but bamboo tube just take white smoke let them very fear.
  i pour the powder inside the half into the bucket, from layers of white powder into the water quickly, soon to spill out from the bucket, bucket i went to two black body spray, but this guy is too big just fell to his chest, there is no water, it touched the mo worm those bugs just as were streaming down from him died directly.
  but two black body patches of black spots, especially in his neck, and those who have the nakedness into his flesh mo worm though as soon as i met were died, but their body is still in his body.
  like a thick made of insect necklace, looks disgusting and terror.
  i really want to his neck with a knife stuck to the meat mo insects have given them, but it didn't have time now, with his hand into his breathing and chest, still alive should be poisoned, i opened the lid to spill in his nose, his nose stirred up a few fiercely hit a sneeze, people wake up, as soon as he woke with the hand to grasp the neck, should be very itchy but those bugs are drilling in the meat, he now don't get off, i hate to the tauren helmet really want to kill him.
  now things haven't solve, two black eyes not so red but eyes are dull.
  the robber's sluggish start to the village, the fire has spread, most of the houses began to burn, liu guanjia under help continuously trembling body, at this rate he will soon die due to blood loss (gold in everything really is like living in the world, even they have red blood in the body) i looked at the two black he sat there, look dull, but should keep his soul alive it's nothing for the time being.
  air howls at this time of the two, and then the robber chief two players around the throat of insert a arrow, straight arrow feather.
  two crunches down, and the guy seems to be ready, in situ ran toward the front of the village after a roll, liu guanjia shouting, all people toward him, and those who have just out of the robber just visible again into village gate...
  i turned on the two black shouted go quickly, go quickly!
  liu guanjia covered in blood carry knife teeth looked at him, and i know who you are?
  the man ha ha smiled two, pull out a knife from beside the person's waist, then his infantry all around with bows and arrows at liu guanjia and me, the man named bull penis by liu guanjia came to liu guanjia a face of cynicism, he didn't speak fierce one knife...
  he gave me a look, right behind the low voice said, what, for an instant those people around to liu guanjia shoot arrows, who suddenly several arrow collapses in the body.
  i see that happening at the moment but not handle without ce, i turned to look behind, two black indeed gone quite fast reaction, with the bull penis is hard even never give him a path, but he didn't go my in the mind is some time.
  a followed by a body is a few on the leg rope trapping, it is pulled down, i was dragged to the bull penis, a few people come up to my dagger away tie a solid...
  he came over from my waist back to spill, open after took a look, a face of dreary exercise.
  big miss, i said you also too not bargain, it's a white mo female insect insect powder made of baked inquiry, that the black mo insect natural enemies only white mo worm, you know white mo insect how scarce, this is my only a bucket of antidote, he monocular into bamboo tube and looked at it and i know that most but one 5 left inside.
  he slurped the two put bamboo tube and back waist bag inside, suddenly looked up at me, for my soul mo flute was also you have destroyed, my god, big miss you can know it whether living or gold in just this one, have you the black male black mo insect poison, as long as i'm a way mo soul music, he will confess i give priority to.
  what day is it today, i worked so hard to use mo soul music is collected to jane feather eagle by your dark tower a pot to all men, that was my brother took a squadron of life, to change back baby strength results on all fold here tonight, we want to put the dark tower male bonded to come over, but don't want to be you sneak attack also destroy mo soul flute (i know it is not a good thing), he shook the hand it's at a loss lose home.
  no wonder my brother told me yesterday, to advance the action by the way, do you come up with a tower of black male team we also can not really to treat you (he said his brother, isn't the cow helmet man yesterday he, where i also seems to be a little different) this insidious guy was a twin brother, with them or to more means.